How does Merchbar help fans discover merch from their favorite artists?

Merchbar has a massive discovery network and audience of music fans looking for new merch from their favorite artists. Here are some of our distribution channels: & Merchbar for iPhone Merchbar listings reach millions of fans each month through and the Merchbar for iPhone, iPhone app that has been featured by Apple over 35 times, including Best New App, Best New Music App, Best New Shopping App.

Personalized Merch Alerts Merchbar users love music and new music merch - so much that Merchbar created a product just for these fans that allows them to sign up for personalized notifications whenever their favorite artists have new merch available.

Search & Social Optimization All Merchbar listings are optimized for discovery and sharing on all the major networks including Twitter cards, Facebook item-previews, Pinterest product listings and Google product metadata among others.

Partner Syndication & Listings Merchbar is Spotify’s official merch partner providing optimized merch listings for over 35,000 artists. Merchbar also works with Shazam, Bandpage and other companies to list products on Shazam, YouTube, Kik and other platforms.

All product listings are dynamic and optimized in real-time to ensure new products are featured, sold-out products are swapped out for available products and other products are tested to maximize user engagement and sales.

All of this, Automatically Not only are all discovery features included for all Merchbar partners, they happen automatically as part of the Merchbar system. Merchbar does all of this by integrating with merch companies and existing artist ecommerce systems to track inventory in realtime, identify new products, trending products, pre-orders, backorders and other product details.

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