Sell More Merch

Merchbar’s large, growing user base and substantial number of artists across music genres allows us to rapidly test and improve all aspects of our system in ways unavailable to individual artist stores or smaller platforms.



Mobile First Engineering

With 80% of our visitors and 60% of our transactions completed on mobile devices, Merchbar is mobile from the ground up.



Payment Platform Support

Merchbar supports multiple payment methods, including Paypal, Amazon Pay, as well as Apple Pay on both Merchbar for iPhone as well as since the first day the technology was released.



Automated Vinyl Image Enhancement

Merchbar automatically optimizes the flat product images provided by our partners and enhances them to make them more compelling and to reflect their unique product data including packaging type, vinyl color, number of discs, disc size and more.


Gift Cards

Merchbar supports multiple-use and personalized gift cards for fans in a variety of denominations.



Automatic International Currency and Language Support

Merchbar uses IP geo-targeting to automatically identifies fans' locations and customize their experience to that locale including support for more than 50 currencies used around the world.

Merchbar is continually expanding the reach and optimization of our system.


Payment Processing and Fraud Prevention

Merchbar provides full payment processing and fraud detection. We also provide full-service fraud prevention through our partnerships with major payment providers and exclusive tools developed in-house at Merchbar.


Customer Support

Merchbar provides front-line customer service and support with fast response times and personalized service.


Returns Processing

Merchbar processes all individual customer returns and creates a monthly batch-return process, minimizing work and overhead for partners.

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